Monday, April 20, 2009


Reed posted this sign on his room today. It cracked me up. Let me translate it for you. He didn't space his words so I will speak 5 year old for you. It reads:
"You have to jump HI to get in my room
Feet 6 Feet"
I was laughing histerically. Apparently to get in Reed's room you have to be able to jump 6 feet in the air. So anyone who would like to try is welcome. Children crack me up.
Today I got Perry Stone's new book called 'Breaking the Jewish Code'. I am so excited to read it. Christy introduced me to Perry Stone, and he is facinating. I am already on Chapter 3 and I just can't put the book down. Here's a brief synopsis about the book. (Taken from the front insert)
In Breaking the Jewish Code, international evangelist Perry Stone gives you the keys to unlocking the amazing success of the Jewish people. Anyone can apply these time-honored principles in their life to create wealth, live in health, build faith, raise successful children, and poss on generational blessing!
I can't wait to finish the book. I will let you know how it goes.
Anyway, I will leave you with some pictures from our trip to Mideval Times. We had so much fun. It is SOOO worth the trip. I didn't expect it to be as fun as it was. It was a dinner show. The knights were really sword fighting, and jousting, and it was really cool. There was smoke, and special effects, and it was so entertaining. The whole time I kept thinking to myself "The boys must be in heaven". It was definately a boys show.
I will leave you with a quote from Dave Ramsey that I just loved. It is a little paraphrased but it really stuck with me.
" I am not going to put a lot of empahsis on this demon and demonic stuff, I am not so worried about it, I read the book, I know how it ends, It's all cool, our team wins"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let's Rewind

I just want to say, that I am loving Spring Break. I only work 3.75 hours every day, but for some reason getting up at the crack of dawn and out of the house seems rough some days.

I am so torn about Reed and what to do with school next year. On one hand, I want to take the time while he is young and impressionable to mold his spirit, to teach him the things of God, and to protect him from the crazy world. On the other hand, it's a large undertaking to commit to homeschooling. If you know me, then you also know that I am not the world's most organized person! And Eli, my Lord help us, how am I going to get anything accomplished with that little bundle of energy? The elementary school that I work at, has so many godly wonderful teachers, so I know Reed would be in good hands. I look at my future sister in law, Amy a first grade teacher, who would be any parents DREAM for their child to have. I also hate to give up my job, when so many people are begging for one. What to do, what to do? You all don't understand, I have been debating this issue within my soul for 2 years now, dreading the day, that Reed would have to go to school. I need to stop typing about it, and be on my knees. Sometimes writing is theraputic, and I need to get this off my chest.

I feel like my life has been turned upside down lately. So much change, so much of what I thought was stable, has now been disrupted. For the record, I am not down with all this change, I didn't vote for change! My new slogan is 'Back to the way things were, let's REWIND'. Rewind to when prayer was in schools, when teacher's could spank kids, and when God was PC. The Lord shakes the foundations of what I hold as true, to show me that HE is the only thing that is true, who never leaves. I keep thinking about that day, when I stand before Jesus and realize that all along, it was just him and I. Things change, people come and go, people let you down, material things wither, children grow up, but truly throughout the course of my life, only my Savior was there through it all. He stuck closer than a brother, a true friend, who knows me in and out, and still loves me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I heard about a website on Dave Ramsey called emealz. Basically for $5 a month, these ladies write meal plans based on what's on sale at the grocery store that week. They claim because the meals and recipes are created based on the sales, you will save 1/2 on your grocery bill. They have meal plans from Publix, Kroger, Walmart, and Aldi. They also have Low-carb, low-fat, and weight watchers points. The meals can serve 2 or 4-6 people. They are new every week. AND THE BEST PART.......the grocery list prints out and is listed isle by isle! Genious idea, I wish I had thought of it. The estimated grocery bill each week is about $60-80

So after much consideration, I chose to do the Publix Weight Watcher plan. I went to publix last week, and purchased everything. It was about $85 for everything on the list. The food so far has been good. I wanted to go low-fat so we could loose some lbs around here. The recipes are really quick and easy to make. Day one was a brocolli and chicken fetucini and a spinach and strawberry salad. Day two was a scrambled egg and sausage caserole, and fresh cantelope. So far we have really enjoyed it, and I love the fact that the menu changes every week.

The website is and you can see sample menus etc..

I am starting a new blog called 'Annie's Favorite things'. (I know it's not an original name or anything). Once in a while I will run across a product, service, or anything, that I just want to share with the world. I get so excited about the small things in life that save me money, time, or just down right great. So if you see a FAVORITE THING blog it is something that I love, and want to share. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ok, my first blog.
I do have something to say.....

Yesterday, I was listening to Dave Ramsey. He was talking about the new stimulas package which Boortz calls the 'Government Growth Package". I have been listening to this for some time now, but this really makes sense. The proposed 900 billion dollar plan is supposed to create 3 million jobs. If you do the math, that equals out to spending $300,000 per every 1 job created. That's insane! A listener to the show wrote in to Ramsey and told him not to complain unless he had a better idea.'s what he came up with. The economy is directly stimulated by the real estate market, so give everyone who buys a new home in 2009 a $20,000 tax credit. It would get the real estate industry back in swing immediately. Secondly, give every employer who hires a new hire and keeps them on for 12 months, a $20,000 tax credit per new hire. Companies would line up left and right and immediately start hiring. This plan would jump start the economy immediatley. And here's the best part, the proposed plan would cost about 60 billion. That's 840 billion dollars less than the current economic package being voted on.

What is going on with our government? Where are their heads at? Does this outrage or even concern any one else?
