I do have something to say.....
Yesterday, I was listening to Dave Ramsey. He was talking about the new stimulas package which Boortz calls the 'Government Growth Package". I have been listening to this for some time now, but this really makes sense. The proposed 900 billion dollar plan is supposed to create 3 million jobs. If you do the math, that equals out to spending $300,000 per every 1 job created. That's insane! A listener to the show wrote in to Ramsey and told him not to complain unless he had a better idea. Well....here's what he came up with. The economy is directly stimulated by the real estate market, so give everyone who buys a new home in 2009 a $20,000 tax credit. It would get the real estate industry back in swing immediately. Secondly, give every employer who hires a new hire and keeps them on for 12 months, a $20,000 tax credit per new hire. Companies would line up left and right and immediately start hiring. This plan would jump start the economy immediatley. And here's the best part, the proposed plan would cost about 60 billion. That's 840 billion dollars less than the current economic package being voted on.
What is going on with our government? Where are their heads at? Does this outrage or even concern any one else?